Welcome To Scouting

Our Scouting troop invites boys ages 11-17 (grades 5-12) to a safe, fun place to learn, explore, and grow.

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About Us

We are committed to creating a welcoming, safe environment where Scouts can freely express themselves, share their experiences, and become the best version of themselves by learning from and respecting each other.

"Prepared for life."

Our Mission

The mission of our Scouting program is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes.

The Value of Scouting

Discovery is at the heart of Scouting. Whether it’s a campout, or hike on the trail, we believe every adventure helps us uncover a little more about ourselves. We build the foundations for humility and compassion—strengthening character through actions—to prepare youth for a lifetime of leadership.

Photo of Scouts praying.
Photo of Scouts on a hike.

Prepared. For Life.

Scouting teaches youth to confront any challenge with whole hearts and clear minds—to live their lives without regret, never back down, and do their very best!

Scouting is the Difference

Our unique programs focused on character development, leadership and outdoor exploration provide a lifetime of benefits!

Compared to non-Scouts, Scouts are more likely to:

Photo of Scouts on boat dock.

Embrace positive
social values

Photo of Scouts holding a wooden structure they built.

Develop kindness, and helpfulness

Photo of Scouts saluting.

Have a greater sense of hope for their future

Our Scouts Attend These Yeshiva's

Frisch Logo
Heichal Logo
MTA Logo

About Our Troop

Welcome to North Jersey’s only Shomer Shabbat Scouts BSA Troop, proudly chartered by the Jewish Center of Teaneck. We offer a unique scouting experience combining Jewish values with outdoor adventure. Join us for weekly meetings on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:00 PM and discover a supportive community focused on leadership and personal growth. Enjoy camping, hiking, and exciting programs while building lifelong friendships.

Photo of Troop at Court of Honor.


Congregation Beth Aaron, 950 Queen Anne Rd, Teaneck, NJ 07666

(201) 835-5338 (Daniel Chazin, Scoutmaster)

Wednesday Nights: 7:30pm – 9:00pm


Monthly Weekly Daily List Grid Tile
February 2025
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Photo of Eliezer Kolatch

Eliezer (Ez) Kolatch

Assistant Scoutmaster