- This event has passed.
Forestburg Shomer Shabbat Contingent 2024
July 7, 2024 - July 21, 2024
Troop 55 will be attending Forestburg Scout Reservation run by Monmouth Council located in
Forestburgh, NY for two weeks, July 7-14 and July 14-21 and welcomes scouts from other units
to participate with them. Although the camp is not kosher, supervised kosher food will be
available during the period of our attendance.
Forestburg has two programs, Regular Scout Camp and a high adventure program, Darlington
Adventure. In the Regular Scout Camp, campers participate in Scout skill and merit badge
classes. In the Darlington Adventure Program, campers participate in high adventure activities
such as backpacking, canoeing, and rock climbing/rappelling. The program will be conducted
totally within the camp property and is available to First Class (or above) Scouts who are 14 and
older. The cost for both programs is the same.
Because class sizes are limited, it is very important to register early (even without payment)
so that classes may be selected.
The price is $650 per week. However, there are two discounts:
A discount of $45 per week is available if full payment is made by May 3.
Scouts attending both weeks will receive a $40 discount for the second week.
Families who might need financial assistance should contact Sheldon Freidenreich before March
15. Payment after June 1 will result in a $40 late fee.
Checks should be made out to “Troop 55 BSA”.
For further information, feel free to call me.
Sheldon Freidenreich – 732-572-2568
My son ____________________________________________ will be going to Forestburg
Scout Reservation for:
July 7-14: ____ July 14-21: ____
Signature of Parent